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Franshise Associations and Federations

Name: Argentina Franchise Association
Country: Argentina
Founder: Mr. Lucas D. Secades
Email: lsecades@aamf.com.ar

Name: Argentina Franchise Association
Country: Argentina
Founder: Steve Wright
Email: info@franchise.org.au

Name: Austrian Franchise Association
Country: Austria
Founder: Mr. Andreas Schwerla
Email: oefv@franchise.at

Name: Belgian Franchise Federation
Country: Belgium
Founder: Mr. Gilbert Lardinois
Email: info@fbf-bff.be

Name: Brazilian Franchise Association
Country: Brazilia
Founder: Mr. Ricardo Camargo
Email: abf@abf.com.br

Name: Bulgarian Franchise Association
Country: Bulgaria
Founder: Dr. Eng Lyubka Kolarova
Email: bulfa@vip.bg

Name: Canadian Franchise Association
Country: Canada
Founder: Ms. Lorraine McLachlan
Email: info@cfa.ca

Name: China Chain-Store & Franchise Association
Country: China
Founder: Ms. Lucy Wu Rui Ling
Email: lucywu@ccfa.org.cn

Name: Croatia Association for Franchising
Country: Croatia
Founder: -
Email: info@fip.com.hr

Name: Czech Franchise Association
Country: Czech Republic
Founder: Mr. Ivo Lamich
Email: caf@czech-franchise.cz

Name: Danish Franchise Association
Country: Denmark
Founder: Mr. Toke Allentoft
Email: ta@franchiseforeningen.dk

Name: Ecudorian Franchise Association
Country: Ecuador
Founder: Guido Santillan
Email: expo@aefran.org

Name: Egyptian Franchise Development Association
Country: Egypt
Founder: Mr. Moataz Al Alfi
Email: info@efda.org.eg

Name: Danish Franchise Association
Country: Denmark
Founder: Mr. Toke Allentoft
Email: ta@franchiseforeningen.dk

Name: Estonia (Baltics) Franchise Association
Country: Estonia
Founder: Tatjana Melehova
Email: tatjana.melehova@franchising.lv

Name: European Franchise Federation
Country: Europe
Founder: Ms. Carol Chopra
Email: info@eff-franchise.com

Name: Finnish Franchising Association
Country: Finland
Founder: Mr. Juha Vastam
Email: office@franchising.fi

Name: French Franchise Federation
Country: France
Founder: Ms. Chantal Zimmer
Email: c.zimmer@franchise-fff.com

Name: German Franchise Association
Country: Germany
Founder: Mr. Torben L. Brodersen
Email: brodersen@franchiseverband.com

Name: British Franchise Association
Country: Great Britain
Founder: Mr. Brian Smart
Email: mailroom@thebfa.org

Name: The Franchise Association of Greece
Country: Greece
Founder: Mr. I. Iliadis
Email: franchiseassociation@franchising.gr

Name: Hong Kong Franchise Association
Country: Hong Kong
Founder: Ms. Charlotte Chow
Email: hkfa@franchise.org.hk

Name: Hungarian Franchise Association
Country: Hungary
Founder: Mr. L
Email: ceo@franchise.hu

Name: Icelandic Franchise Association
Country: Iceland
Founder: Mr. Andr
Email: svth@svth.is

Name: Franchising Association of India
Country: India
Founder: Mr. Rajeev Manchanda
Email: rajeev.manchanda@fai.co.in

Name: Indonesian Franchise Association
Country: Indonesia
Founder: Anang Sukandar
Email: sukandar@indo.net.id

Name: Irish Franchise Association
Country: Ireland
Founder: -
Email: info@irishfranchiseassociation.com

Name: Italian Franchising Association
Country: Italian
Founder: Graziano Fiorelli
Email: assofranchising@assofranchising.it

Name: Japanese Franchise Association
Country: Japan
Founder: Ms Naomi Obinata/Mr Tomoyuki Kimura
Email: n_obinata@jfa-fc.or.jp / tkimura@jfa-fc.or.jp

Name: Kazakhstan Franchise Association
Country: Kazakhstan
Founder: Mr. Andrey Zakharov
Email: kazaf@mail.ru

Name: Korean (South)Franchise Association
Country: Korea
Founder: Mr. Kim Yung Man
Email: kypark@gymboree.co.kr

Name: Latvia (Baltics) Franchise Association
Country: Latvia
Founder: Tatjana Melehova
Email: tatjana.melehova@franchising.lv

Name: Lithuania (Baltics) Franchise Association
Country: Lithuania
Founder: -
Email: tatjana.melehova@franchising.lv

Name: Malaysian Franchise Association
Country: Malaysian
Founder: Mr. Ahmad Faizal Mohamed Noor
Email: secrtmfa@streamyx.com / liaison@mfa.org.my

Name: Mexican Franchise Association
Country: Mexico
Founder: Mr. Carlos Roberts-Avalos
Email: presidencia@franquiciasdemexico.org

Name: Association De La Franchise Marocaine
Country: Morocco
Founder: Miss Btissam Omari
Email: omari@fmf.ma

Name: Netherlands Franchise Association
Country: Netherlands
Founder: Mr. Jos Burgers
Email: franchise@nfv.nl

Name: Franchise Association of New Zealand
Country: New Zealand
Founder: Mr. Graham Billings
Email: graham@franchise.org.nz

Name: Nigerian International Franchise Association
Country: Nigeria
Founder: Executive Secretary
Email: nifa@nigerianfranchise.org

Name: Norwegian Federation of Commercial and Service Enterprises
Country: Norway
Founder: Per Reidarson
Email: franchise@hsh-org.no

Name: Philippine Franchise Association
Country: Philippines
Founder: Mr. Samie Lim, CFE
Email: pfa@pfa.org.ph

Name: Polish Franchise Association
Country: Poland
Founder: Jolanta Kramarz
Email: info@franchise.pl

Name: Portuguese Franchise Association
Country: Portugal
Founder: Mr. P. Antunes
Email: pantunes@apf.org.pt

Name: Asociatia Romana De Franciza
Country: Romania
Founder: Mr. Constantin Anton
Email: anton@francizor.ro

Name: Russian Franchise Association
Country: Russia
Founder: Aleksandr Mayler
Email: rusfranch@yandex.ru

Name: Russian Franchise Association
Country: Russia
Founder: Yury Mikhaylichenko
Email: ceo@rusfranch.ru

Name: Slovakia Franchise Association
Country: Slovakia
Founder: Richard Chur
Email: sfa@slovak-franchise.sk

Name: Slovenian Franchise Association
Country: Slovenia
Founder: Mr. Igor Pavlin
Email: igor.pavlin@franchise-slovenia.net

Name: The Franchise Association of South Africa
Country: South Africa
Founder: Mrs. Vera Valasis
Email: vera.valasis@fasa.co.za

Name: Spanish Franchise Association
Country: Spain
Founder: Mr. Xavier Vallhonrat
Email: aefvalencia@franquiciadores.com

Name: Swedish Association of Franchising
Country: Sweden
Founder: Mr. Anders Svensson
Email: anders@franchiseforeningen.se

Name: Swiss Franchise Association
Country: Switzerland
Founder: Christopher Wildhaber
Email: info@franchiseverband.ch

Name: Association of Chain and Franchise Promotion, Taiwan
Country: Taiwan
Founder: Mr. Xavier Vallhonrat
Email: 108@franchise.org.tw

Name: Thailand Franchise Association
Country: Thailand
Founder: Somji Likhitsathaporn
Email: focus@bangkok.com

Name: National Franchise Association of Turkey
Country: Turkey
Founder: Mr. Serdar Yanasan
Email: ufrad@ufrad.com.tr

Name: USA, Association of Franchisees and Dealers (AAFD)
Country: USA
Founder: -
Email: Benefits@AAFD.org

Name: USA, International Franchise Association
Country: USA
Founder: Mr. Matt Shay
Email: ufrad@ufrad.com.tr

Name: Ukrainian Franchise Association
Country: Ukraine
Founder: Andrey Kryvonos
Email: akryvonos@franchising.org.ua

Name: Ukrainian Franchising Development Federation
Country: Ukraine
Founder: Oleg Laschuk
Email: chief@fdf.org.ua

Name: Venezuelan Chamber of Franchises (Cámara Venezolana de Franquicias)
Country: Venezuela
Founder: Mr. Abel Calvo
Email: info@profranquicias.com

Name: Franchise Association of West Africa
Country: West Africa
Founder: -
Email: info@franchisewestafrica.org